How to add orders

Upload a spreadsheet into your Routific Workspace, or add orders one by one

Before you can plan a route, you need to know where you're going! At the very least, Routific needs a list of addresses.

You might also want to add extra information like:

  • Customer name

  • Contact details

  • Load or order details

  • Driver notes

  • Time windows

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Upload a spreadsheet

  2. Add orders manually

1. Upload orders using a spreadsheet

a. Set up your spreadsheet

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If you export your data from an ERP, CSM, or Order Management System, skip to the next step (Download your spreadsheet).​

This is what your spreadsheet should look like:

You can download a sample to use as a formatting guide or learn more about how to format addresses.

What the columns mean:

Required information

  • Address: The best format for making addresses easy to find is:

    Street Number and Street Name, City, State/Province (when applicable), Zip/Postal Code (when applicable), Country.

    You can also split the address into separate columns (Street Address, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, Country).

    If you're delivering to an apartment, you should include the Unit Number in a separate column. This will help ensure that the address and apartment number are plotted correctly.

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    If you use lat-long coordinates, create two columns titled Latitude and Longitude instead of the Address column.

Optional information

  • Customer Name: Adding a customer name makes it easier to find and manage orders. If you don't have a customer name, Routific will automatically assign a unique number to all your orders, so this field isn't mandatory.

  • Time window start and end: Use these if a stop must be served during a certain time window.
    If the stop can be done at any time, just leave these fields blank.

    Routific accepts two different time formats:
    12-hour clock: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
    24-hour clock: 14:00 to 16:00

  • Duration: This is how long, in minutes, you expect each stop to take.

    A simple package drop-off, for example, will be a lot quicker than a stop that involves delivering and installing a piece of equipment.

    You can also use this field to adjust stop duration for places where you know it's very difficult to find parking.

    If you leave the stop duration blank for any orders, we'll use the default duration from your Settings:

  • Load: How much you're delivering for each order. Routific will match loads to the capacity of each route to ensure you won't be delivering more than you can carry!

    Learn more about loads and capacities here.

  • Notes: You can include any additional information you want to give your driver. Buzzer numbers, special delivery instructions, warnings about aggressive dogs — whatever you need in here.

  • Email: If you have customer email notifications enabled, this field is required for the notifications to be sent.

Got more columns? No problem, just create custom fields when you're mapping your data (see Step 4 below).

b. Download your spreadsheet

  • Microsoft Excel: File > Download as > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) OR Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).

  • Google Sheets: File > Download as > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) OR Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).

  • ERP, CSM, Order Management systems: Every system has a different way of handling exports, but they should always be possible. Look for "Export Orders" or a similar command.

c. Upload your spreadsheet into Routific

From your main Routes screen, there are three ways to upload a spreadsheet:

  • Click Schedule Orders at the bottom of your screen.

  • Click Schedule Orders at the top right of your screen.

  • Click the + button at the top left to add a spreadsheet or individual orders.

Now just click to select your spreadsheet, or drag and drop. You can also add orders manually using the + button.

d. Map your data

If you've used different column headings than we expect, our data mapping tool will pop up. This will let you match your column headings to ours.

Just use the dropdown menus to select the right match. When you're done, click the "Upload" button to continue.

Custom Fields

What if you have custom fields in your spreadsheet?

For example, a company that delivers to a lot of apartment blocks might have a custom field for access codes. To add these, just find the column you need and type your preferred column name in the space, then click the blue text below to complete.

2. Add orders manually

If you don't have a spreadsheet, you can add orders manually. Just click the + button at the top of the Orders screen, then choose Add Order from the popup.

Add your customer name and address here. We'll pop up some automated suggestions to help you complete this step more easily.

If you want to add more information, click Optional Settings to show or hide extra details. Then just click the Add button, and you're done!

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