What are Route Templates?

Route Templates allow you to set constraints that can be re-used for future routes

If you often plan routes with similar characteristics, you can save them as templates so you don't need to enter the same information every time. You can use Route Templates to set up:

Any template can be saved once and then applied to future routes.

How to access Route Templates

Upload your orders and click Schedule All or Schedule Orders.

Review your orders and click Continue Scheduling.

Now click on Route Templates on the bottom right.

And here are your templates!

Let's take a closer look at the details:

Editing Route Templates

Shift time

I've set up three shifts:

  1. A morning route from 8 am to 1 pm

  2. An afternoon route from 12 pm to 5 pm

  3. A full-day run from 9:30 am to 5 pm

Start and end locations

Use these fields to set up your depots or other default start and end points.

In this example I've set up different depots for my half-day and full-day routes.

Route Capacity

I have also set my route capacity. In this case, capacity is being used to set the maximum number of units a vehicle can carry.

This field can also be used in other ways, depending on your business needs. Read more about Loads and Capacities here.

Number of Routes

I've left this column blank, so Routific will automatically calculate the most efficient number of routes to serve all my orders.

This is a great feature to use if you have fluctuating volumes day-to-day, and want to be as efficient as possible with your driver resources.

If you want to specify a number of routes, feel free to put a number in this column.

Select your templates

Click the checkbox next to the templates you want to use for your current route plan.

For this example, I've selected the morning and afternoon routes only.

When your selections are complete, just click Done and then Schedule. Routific will create your routes according to the constraints you've chosen.

Voila! You can see there are a total of six routes using the two templates I selected: three in the morning and three in the afternoon.

Edit templates from the Settings icon

If you ever need to work on Route Templates outside of a scheduling session, just click the gear icon at the left-hand side of your screen and Route Templates will pop up.

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