How to make changes to your routes

Make changes on the timeline, in the route details panel, or right on the map

There are three ways to make changes to your routes:

  1. On the timeline

  2. In the route details panel

  3. On the map with our lasso tool

1. Make changes on the timeline

Click on a stop on the timeline, then drag-and-drop to move it. You can drag the stop to another part of the same route, or assign it to another route.

When you assign a stop to another route, Routific will automatically slot it into the most optimal spot.

2. Make changes using the route details panel

The panel on the right-hand side of your screen shows a detailed list of all the stops and orders on your selected route. You can use this list to reschedule deliveries while still keeping them assigned to the same driver.

To move a stop, just click to select, then drag-and-drop to your new preferred position. Routific will adjust the timing of your route, and update the driver's mobile app.

Make changes on the map

You can drag-and-drop to move stops from one route to another on the map.

To select multiple stops and move them as a group, use the lasso tool at the top right-hand corner of your map view.

The lasso tool is a feature that allows users to select multiple objects by drawing a freehand shape around them. Give it a try - it's fun!

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