How to contact Routific's support team

Have questions? Talk to one of our customer support team members

Chat and email are the fastest ways to reach us! Our team monitors both of these regularly throughout the North American working day, from 6 am to 5 pm PT.

If you'd prefer to speak with someone, click below to book a meeting.

1. Book a call with us!

We love connecting with our users. Please book a call with us by clicking on the button below:

Book time with Routific

2. Send us a message through our support chat

Our in-app support chat lets you chat with us right inside the Routific web app. Find it in the bottom left corner of your screen.

During office hours, we typically respond within 30 minutes. If we take a little longer and respond when you don't have Routific open, you'll get our responses via email.

2. Send us an email

If you prefer, you can email us anytime at

What to include if you have specific questions about your routes

The more information we have, the faster we can solve your problem. Include as much of the following in your message as you can:

  1. The email you use to log into Routific.

  2. The date of the routes you're having problems with.

  3. A description of the problem you're experiencing, and when it happens. For example, does a certain button or action trigger the problem?

  4. Full-screen screenshots so we can see what you see.

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